Oh, and finally, my first ballad "Dari Jauh" was launched on the 8th October. Here are some of the pictures during the event :

berjoget tak hingat punya
When i started writing this song, I knew i want it to be a break-up song. I want it to be anthemic, that listeners can relate to it, and say "Hey, this song is about me."
So, i don't wanna do something with minor chords, u know, the typical "begging for her to come back" kind of songs. Nor i don't want it to have a lot of those hi-pitch long notes with a lot of modulation right in the middle of the song.
The song is about "letting go". So im trying achieve the feeling of cold sadness - it's like whispering to someone's ear while she's sleeping, telling her that u're going somewhere, and we might not gonna see each other again. At the intro of the song, u can hear this tapping sound as thou rain falls on your window. And as it went to the 2nd verse, u can hear the timpani, represents the thunder.
I worked extra hard on this song, cos this song means a lot to me. I have to say it's quite personal, but i know everyone might have gone through this.
The song didn't really make it, comercially thou. The radio stations didn't really play it. I'm not sure why, but I don't really care. I just gonna focus with what im doing. I posted it on my facebook and myspace, and my fans ordered it from me...some of them even posted it on youtube and blogs..they sent comments and say something like "lagu ni sedih gila, macam cerita pasal saya dulu", and "lagu ni memang sesuai untuk aku, ex aku baru je kawin..*sobs*", they tell me how much the song has touched them..to me, i have achieved exactly what i want from the song. To move people.
Well, sorry membebel panjang. Thing is, during this PC, the reporters suma tanya about the song, and i told them each and every detail. Tapi, yang keluar "NABIL kuat merajuk". So, the main story was about me and my so-called love life, dekat 18 perenggan duk cerita pasal "berpunya tak berpunya", the only thing they wrote about the song was "Dari Jauh, mengisahkan percintaan 2 insan".... I lol'd.
Alright then. Here is Dari Jauh,
Dari Jauh - Nabil Zamanhuri
So, i don't wanna do something with minor chords, u know, the typical "begging for her to come back" kind of songs. Nor i don't want it to have a lot of those hi-pitch long notes with a lot of modulation right in the middle of the song.
The song is about "letting go". So im trying achieve the feeling of cold sadness - it's like whispering to someone's ear while she's sleeping, telling her that u're going somewhere, and we might not gonna see each other again. At the intro of the song, u can hear this tapping sound as thou rain falls on your window. And as it went to the 2nd verse, u can hear the timpani, represents the thunder.
I worked extra hard on this song, cos this song means a lot to me. I have to say it's quite personal, but i know everyone might have gone through this.
The song didn't really make it, comercially thou. The radio stations didn't really play it. I'm not sure why, but I don't really care. I just gonna focus with what im doing. I posted it on my facebook and myspace, and my fans ordered it from me...some of them even posted it on youtube and blogs..they sent comments and say something like "lagu ni sedih gila, macam cerita pasal saya dulu", and "lagu ni memang sesuai untuk aku, ex aku baru je kawin..*sobs*", they tell me how much the song has touched them..to me, i have achieved exactly what i want from the song. To move people.
Well, sorry membebel panjang. Thing is, during this PC, the reporters suma tanya about the song, and i told them each and every detail. Tapi, yang keluar "NABIL kuat merajuk". So, the main story was about me and my so-called love life, dekat 18 perenggan duk cerita pasal "berpunya tak berpunya", the only thing they wrote about the song was "Dari Jauh, mengisahkan percintaan 2 insan".... I lol'd.
Alright then. Here is Dari Jauh,
Dari Jauh - Nabil Zamanhuri
here's the performance :)
hahaha paper mane yg tulis mcm tu?
hope bestie, Baiti x buat mcm tu during her career as a journalist.
lame x jumpe. bile nak lepak2 borak2 banje makan ker? :P
Haha, the last paragraph was funny! Yeah Nabil, I must say Dari Jauh is still my favorite Malay song so far. And its great that your main goal was to touch and move people with the song. Personally, I find the lyrics very relatable! :D And.. it's still on repeat kat my iPod. Keep it up, waiting for more of your songs! :)
kak Julia! Nah, kak Baiti sgt cool. No way dia tulis for malaysian tabloids :p
Thanx amanda! :D
Yeah i can't wait to see what we might come up with soon :)
haha i baru prasan bawah tu ada lagu dia. buat penat je mintak send. i am so funny.
btw, i told u media is evil. tak memahami setiap perenggan itu ada maknanyaa.
biasa jg request lagu ni d radio, tapi tetap jarang keluar. janji wa layannnn
thanx edzlin!
tapi tu la..nak buat camana, balik2 lagu samaa jugak diorang nak main.
just found your blog thru my couz's...GREAT song!! your song came at the right time...and it really touches my heart :) keep it up...
the girl on top of my comment here is my cousin. she keeps praising your song. i must say, your song 'dari jauh' is superb. sedap didgr, x jemu utk direpeat. your song heals her. and i must thank you for that.
thank you Nabil. =) create more interesting songs ya. ;)
I love your songs!
I must say: I am deeply in love with "dari jah"... your voice is amazing and is you who write the songs right?!
Well, congradulations, you have just won a fan! =P
Keep dreaming and pleasing us with your songs. Thanks! ^^
awww, thanx everyone for ur kind words..i really2 happy to know that the song managed to reach u :D Alhamdulillah... There are a lot more for me to share :)
Tu bukan Ibal ke?
lagu ni best. nk lirik lagu
bro,thank you so much pasal cipta lagu ni..lagu dari jauh ni memang terbaik la..lagu len xley beat lagu ni..xbosan dowhh dengar lagu ni..da beribu kali dengar pun xbosan..
im waiting for your new song =]
dari jauh is the best malay song ever <3
keep it up nabil :)
dari jauh is the best malay song ever <3
keep it up nabil :)
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