Semalam tgh syok2 tido di bawah selimut biru, sambil ditemani hujan, tibe terasa seolah-olah kepala diketuk-ketuk. Hatta, aku pun terbangun. I tgk around me, takde orang pun. Try tido balik, tetibe ada melodi aneh tapi agak menarik di telinga ditemani oleh ketukan di atas kepala mengikut rythm. I know its that time again. I just don't get it why bila dicari tak jumpa, but bile dah syok tido, pukul 4 pagi baru dia datang. oh well, i was excited to put this on paper, so i jumped from my toto grab my guitar and pen and start pre-record it on my handphone.
sambung tido, esok bile cek my notebook, ade bridge and a chorus line.
This song, i guess its called Anti-Cinta, sbb hook dia kat situ. It's about this person yang probably dah been thru a lot of pain during his past relationships, so he decided to take a break from "being in love" for awhile. But suddenly ade dis girl yang tetibe confess kat the guy, so he basically telling the girl that he's not interested on having any relationship for the time being, and hope she doesn't take it personally. Ntah pape la mamat tu.
I know the word "Anti-Cinta" mcm gile negative kan. But i think i wasnt talking about Love generally, cos love IS a good thing, and at some point love is the main reason we do what we do. So i guess im specifically telling a story about this paranoid character who's afraid to be in a relationship. So jgn fikir negatively la kot.
here's the song! Still rough raw mcm sandwich yang tak siap :)
Anti Cinta ROUGH - Nabil Zamanhuri
lyrics :
Kau pasti takkan percaya
Mendengar alasanku bila
Ku kata ku menghindar cinta
Namun perlu kau sedari
Bukannya aku membenci
Just please don't take it personally
It's not you..It's me.
Dari pencinta-wanita, tapi kini diriku Anti Cinta
Kau ada hak untuk pilih yang lain kerna ku Anti Cinta
Tak perlulah kau membuang masa menungguku
Ku tak mungkin dapat memberikan cintaku
Dari pencinta-wanita, tapi kini diriku Anti Cinta
I dunno where to go from here. But I'll work something out :)
Nabil Zamanhuri

Anti Cinta by Nabil Zamanhuri is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Malaysia License.
i think i'm gonna like this song
very catchy nabil. keep it up!
thanx! :D
salam nabil..i am ur fan from now far from japan..posted your blog link in mine..hope you dont mind..really love your songs!! especially "dari jauh" ...keep it up..
wow, jauhnya japan!
hehe, thank u blackrosemilia..Im glad u like the song :)
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