Yeap, it's time to make more resolutions (walaupun the last year's resolution tak complete tapi takpe postpone to this year).
This year's resolution mmg banyak if nak list, I don't think i want to list it all pun. Apart from I want write more songs, get a girlfriend, make more money, make new friends, be a better person, be a better this, be a better that. One thing i really wanted to do, is to...
I want to transform myself from this :
(that's not me...but kurus la i pun)

ehhh not u, Mr.Prime. Althou that would be so cool, but i don't think its possible.
What i meant is.....THIS!
yeah, yeah i know i know, thats Zac Efron alrryte. I googled and he seemed to have almost the same body characteristics with mine, such as the height, the posture and his face shape. The only thing that I don't have are those freakin abs and freakin body tone that chicks drooled all over. F you, Zac Efron.
So yeah, i guess that's my motivation for now, hopefully 6 months from now, my body will turn out to be like that, and get a girlfren that looks like Vanessa Hudgens. But first, lemme grab some Big Mac...
On another note, here's a new video from women-beater, Chris Brown. I CAN TRANSFORM YA!
Until next time....Happy New Year!
salam..Mr Nabil. =)
saye one of people yg suka style mr nabil.which is,sing n dance according to the tempo.and adekan trademark dance for the song.maksudnye,kalu dgr lagu ni je,mesti nk dance mcm ni.(sorry kalu xphm)
sbenanye,saye dh jd kurg suke ngan artis2 kat negara sendiri (sorry to some people).xtaula,mase first time saye tgk MV ade one korean bandboy ni,mmg tertarik and terfikir nape kat msia xde cm ni,huhu..
but first,i would like to ask,mr nabil layanx lagu2 korean bandboy?
kalu xlayan n rase xsesuai ngan ur style xpela.just as a suggestion,sbb kat msia mcm dh xde style ni.asyik emo jek..huhuu
ok,salam..all the best to you.
wohooo nabil nak jadik mcm Zac. fewiittt~
come on come on. you can do it!! hehehe
hello cik anonymous..
thank u for ur support...
oh trademark dance , i know wat u mean. Like Wonder Girls' Tell Me,Super Junior Sorry2 tu? Well i can try la, but i like complicated stuff :P haha
hahahahha, nabil.. nabil. lol. :P go cari vanessa hudgens lookalike!
yeay!!u understand what i'm saying!!and u know them!saye tak tahu kt malaysia famous lagu korean ape skg sbb saye xde kat sane skg.huhuu
bkn ape..kalau mr nabil buat cmtu,i think it will be more fun and interesting. =)
hey.. hope u could have zach efron's body.. he's hot man! ;)
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