I just made new song today. When im suppose to be working on my FA assignment.
Ah. F that. I love making music. Here's the song btw.
It's still work in progress. Supposed to be an old school soul thingy.
Something that Joss Stone or Musiq would do. kot la.
Melody for the verse main freestyle je. haha.
Planning to produce this for my vocal group Flowidduz.
No lyrics. Write for me :D

Selamanya (working title) by Nabil Zamanhuri is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Malaysia License.
HEy.. nabil.. lagu tuh cam best je.. keep working on it~~!!! Goodluck..
hey! i dunno u baca my blog! hahaha. thanxxx :)
oke nice song!
bole tahan la even mellow sikit
hello :)
nice song dude!
selamanya + orchestra masa part chorus! grand!!!!
kalau dah masuk orchestra jadi theatrical sgt plak, ilang soul vibe dia :p
but thanx guys!
weihh seriously super goodie ok this one song XD
i love it.. :D perhaps u should do acoustic version too once its published :D
good luck as always dear :)
not bad eyh, selamanya!
oh! hi nabil! :)
cool :D rajin2 la tulis blog. hehe ;p
update ah
bosan oi..
owh kat sini ke nabil mencorat coret..?hait!
okay. aku suke lagu ni. bagus bagus. tolong record cepat.
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